Understanding Blue light
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Understanding Blue light

Understanding Blue light

Blue light: Navigating its impact on health and sleep

Introduction: The nature of blue light in the visible spectrum

Blue light, a high-energy, short-wavelength light, is a significant component of the visible light spectrum. It falls within the range of 380 to 500 nanometers, making it one of the most energetic visible lights perceived by the human eye. While it plays a vital role in regulating our circadian rhythm and mood, excessive exposure, especially from artificial sources like screens and LED lighting, can have detrimental effects on our sleep patterns and eye health.


The frequency of blue light

The frequency of blue light is what sets it apart in the visible spectrum. It has a higher frequency compared to other colors like red or green, which means it has more energy and can be more impactful, both positively and negatively, on our physiological processes. This high energy can contribute to eye strain and disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.

Blue light, part of the visible light spectrum, plays a significant role in our daily lives, especially with the proliferation of electronic devices and energy efficient LED lighting. While exposure to natural blue light can be beneficial during the day, its exposure at night can disrupt our natural circadian rhythms, affecting sleep and overall health.

There are 4 specific ways in which scientific research and empirical evidence suggest filtering Blue Light helps general wellbeing:

  1. It helps regulates the release of melatonin, thereby regulating natural circadian rhythms and influencing the production of serotonin, the happiness neurotransmitter.
  2. It can help to reduce the effect of Seasonal Adjustment Disorder (SAD), a diagnosable form of depression, which effects many people during time of seasonal change, grey skies and reduced sunlight (an estimates 5% of the US population suffers from various degrees of SAD)
  3. It helps to protect the eye’s macula from premature degradation. A problem that can ultimately lead to blindness.
  4. LEDs and strong blue light can irritate the eyes and mind. Blue light filters and especially clue light blocking colour therapy filters like orange and pink have been shown to help with visial processing, concentration and eye strain. 
  1. Understanding blue light: Daytime benefits and nighttime risks
  • Daytime Advantages: Blue light is crucial during daylight hours as it boosts attention, reaction times, and mood. It helps maintain our circadian rhythm, keeping us alert and focused.
  • Nighttime Challenges: Contrarily, at night, blue light exposure can be detrimental. It suppresses melatonin production, a hormone crucial for sleep regulation, and thereby can disrupt circadian rhythms. Our natural sleep / wake cycles. This disruption can lead to sleep disturbances and is linked to various health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

1.1 The role of melatonin in biochemical and hormonal processes

  • Melatonin, often referred to as the "sleep hormone," plays a pivotal role beyond just regulating sleep. It is involved in various biochemical and hormonal processes in the body. As a powerful antioxidant, melatonin helps combat oxidative stress and cellular damage. It also influences immune function, cardiovascular health, and mood regulation. Melatonin is a precursor for other important biomolecules, including some neurotransmitters and neuroprotective agents. Its influence extends to the regulation of body temperature, blood pressure, and glucose metabolism, making it a key hormone for overall health and well-being. The suppression of melatonin due to blue light exposure at night can, therefore, have far-reaching consequences beyond sleep disturbances, potentially impacting these vital bodily functions.
  1. Circadian rhythms and blue light: scientific insights
  • Circadian Rhythm Disruption: Our circadian rhythms, which average slightly over 24 hours, are essential for regulating sleep and overall health. A study by Dr. Charles Czeisler of Harvard Medical School highlighted that daylight keeps our internal clock aligned with the environment.
  • Harvard Study on Blue Light: A pivotal Harvard study demonstrated that exposure to blue light at night suppressed melatonin for about twice as long as green light and shifted circadian rhythms by twice as much. This finding underscores the significant impact of blue light on our sleep patterns.
  1. Blue light in the morning: Waking up right
  • Morning Exposure Benefits: Exposing ourselves to blue light in the morning can enhance alertness and mood, aligning our internal clock with the day's rhythm. This practice is beneficial for waking up and starting the day with increased energy and a positive mood.
  1. The health implications of nighttime blue light exposure
  • Studies on Health Risks: Research suggests a link between nighttime light exposure and health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. A Harvard study found that shifting the timing of circadian rhythms led to increased blood sugar levels and decreased leptin, a hormone that signals fullness after a meal.
  • Melatonin Suppression: Exposure to even dim light at night can interfere with circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion. Stephen Lockley, a Harvard sleep researcher, notes that a brightness level of just eight lux can have an effect, highlighting the sensitivity of our biological systems to light.
  1. LED blue light exposure: Balancing efficiency and health
  • Energy-Efficient Lighting Concerns: The shift towards energy-efficient lighting, like LED lights, has inadvertently increased our exposure to blue light. So has the drastically increased use of digital devices. These lights produce a high amount of blue light, which is more energy efficient than from other sources, but can be concerning for health.
  1. Mitigating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) through blue light management

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that typically occurs during the shorter days of fall and winter, can be significantly impacted by blue light management. The disorder is often linked to the reduced level of sunlight in these seasons, which can disrupt our circadian rhythms and lead to a decrease in serotonin, a mood-regulating neurotransmitter. Managing blue light exposure plays a pivotal role in alleviating the symptoms of SAD.

Exposure to blue light, particularly in the morning, can mimic the effects of natural sunlight, essential for resetting our internal biological clock. This exposure helps in regulating the circadian rhythm, thereby improving mood and energy levels. On the other hand, minimizing blue light exposure in the evening through the use of blue light blocking glasses or filters can aid in the production of melatonin, promoting better sleep quality and further stabilizing mood.

Studies, including research from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Duke University have shown that controlled exposure to blue light can be an effective treatment for SAD. By simulating the natural light patterns that are missing during the winter months, blue light management can help alleviate the depressive symptoms associated with the disorder, offering a non-invasive and accessible way to enhance mental well-being during the challenging weather seasons.

Incorporating blue light management into daily routines, such as using light therapy devices in the morning and blue light blocking tools in the evening, can provide a balanced approach to reducing the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder, making it a valuable strategy in the broader spectrum of color therapy applications.

  1. Combining blue light blocking Color Therapy glasses with orange tints for Irlen Syndrome and visual processing disorders
  • Targeting Irlen Syndrome: Irlen Syndrome, a visual processing disorder, causes difficulties with reading, light sensitivity, and more. Orange-tinted blue light blocking glasses can significantly alleviate these symptoms by filtering out problematic wavelengths, especially in the blue and green spectrum. Up to 14% of the US population are thought to be affected by some degree of Irlen Syndrome. 
  • Enhancing Visual Comfort: These glasses reduce glare, visual stress, and discomfort associated with bright lights, making them beneficial for those with visual processing disorders.
  • Scientific Support: Research indicates that tinted lenses can aid in reducing symptoms associated with Irlen Syndrome. The combination of blue light blocking and orange tinting enhances visual comfort and processing.
  1. Preventing macular degeneration: The protective role of blue light blocking and color therapy glasses 

A crucial yet often overlooked benefit of blocking blue light is its role in preventing macular degeneration, a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss. Macular degeneration primarily affects the macula, the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision, which is essential for activities like reading and driving. Prolonged exposure to blue light, particularly from digital screens and LED lighting, has been implicated in accelerating macular degeneration due to its high energy and potential to damage light-sensitive cells in the retina.

Studies, including those from prestigious institutions like Harvard Medical School, have indicated that filtering out blue light can significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Blue light blocking glasses serve as a practical and effective tool in this regard. By filtering out the harmful blue light wavelengths, these glasses help protect the retina from potential damage, thereby preserving eye health and preventing the progression of macular degeneration. This protective measure is especially important in our digital age, where screen time is a significant part of daily life for many individuals.

Incorporating blue light blocking strategies, such as using color therapy  glasses, can be a simple yet impactful step towards maintaining long-term eye health and preventing the onset of conditions like macular degeneration.

  1. Practical applications and considerations
  • Daily Use: Wearing orange-tinted blue light blocking glasses can offer relief for individuals with Irlen Syndrome or visual processing disorders, especially during screen time or in brightly lit environments.
  • Customization for Individual Needs: The effectiveness of tinted glasses can vary, so consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for optimal results.


Understanding the effects of blue light is crucial for leveraging its benefits while mitigating its risks. By managing our exposure to blue light, particularly at night, we can improve our sleep quality, maintain healthy circadian rhythms, and enhance our overall well-being. This balance is key to harnessing the positive aspects of blue light while protecting ourselves from its potential downsides.

Table: Benefits of filtering blue light for general wellbeing



Regulation of Melatonin

Filtering blue light helps regulate the release of melatonin, thereby maintaining natural circadian rhythms and influencing serotonin production, known as the happiness neurotransmitter.

Reduction of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Symptoms

Blue light filtering can mitigate the effects of SAD, a form of depression prevalent during seasonal changes, grey skies, and reduced sunlight, affecting an estimated 5% of the US population.

Protection of the Eye’s Macula

By filtering blue light, there is a reduced risk of premature degradation of the eye’s macula, which is crucial for preventing potential vision loss or blindness.

Reduction of Eye and Mind Irritation

LEDs and strong blue light can cause eye and mental irritation. Blue light filters, particularly color therapy filters like orange and pink, are effective in aiding visual processing, improving concentration, and reducing eye strain.

Table: Understanding blue light and its management



Nature of Blue Light

High-energy, short-wavelength light within the 380 to 500 nm range.

Frequency of Blue Light

Higher frequency compared to other colors; more energetic and impactful.

Effects of Blue Light

Regulates circadian rhythm and mood; excessive exposure can disrupt sleep and cause eye strain.

Blue Light Blockers

Glasses designed to filter out blue light, reducing its entry into the eyes and mitigating negative effects.

Function of Blue Light Blockers

Absorb or block blue light frequencies, aiding in sleep quality and reducing digital eye strain.

Orange Color Therapy Glasses

Use orange tint to neutralize blue light, combining blue light filtering with the therapeutic benefits of orange.

Benefits of Orange Glasses

Reduce eye strain, improve sleep patterns, and offer calming and mood-enhancing properties.

FAQs on blue light blocking glasses and Color Therapy glasses to filter blue light

  1. What are blue light blocking glasses?
    • Blue light blocking glasses are designed to filter out blue light from screens and artificial sources, reducing eye strain and improving sleep quality.
  2. How do blue light blocking Color Therapy glasses work?
    • These glasses have lenses with a special coating or tint that blocks or absorbs blue light, preventing it from reaching your eyes. In addition they give the wearer the benefits of color therapy. 
  3. Can blue light blocking glasses improve sleep?
    • Yes, they can help improve sleep by supporting the natural production of melatonin, especially when worn in the evening.
  4. Are blue light glasses beneficial during the day?
    • They can be beneficial during the day for reducing eye strain and preventing headaches associated with prolonged screen exposure.
  5. Do blue light glasses help with digital eye strain?
    • Yes, they can alleviate symptoms of digital eye strain, such as dry eyes and blurred vision.
  6. How to choose the right blue light blocking glasses?
    • Consider the percentage of blue light they block, lens quality, frame comfort, and style.
  7. What are the benefits of Color Therapy glasses in managing blue light and circadian rhythms?
    • Color therapy glasses, especially those with specific tints like orange, can help manage the effects of blue light on circadian rhythms. They filter out harmful blue light, reducing its impact on sleep patterns and overall health. These glasses are particularly useful for individuals sensitive to light, such as those with Irlen Syndrome, providing a holistic approach to managing light exposure and enhancing visual comfort.

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